Meet the Board

Stephen Harding Honorary Chairman
A vibrant and accessible library is a key part of a community. I remember attending the Brookfield Library as a young student, in later years as a law school student studying for the Bar Exam, and now as a parent with children of my own. As a near lifelong resident of Brookfield, I look forward to working with my colleagues on the Brookfield Library Foundation to raise the funds and to create solutions towards a new library in our town.
Bob Belden President
There are a lot of people in Brookfield passionate about building a new library. Our current facility is well past its prime. I am so excited to be part of the Brookfield Library Foundation, to help raise funds and build excitement in our community around his very important project.

Sue Goldsen Vice President
Libraries are the perfect place for a community to gather to learn and grow! Having a state of the art Library with great facilities will encourage this sense of community for generations to come. I'm excited for our future!
Alice Carolan Secretary
So many town services are designed for specific ages or abilities such as schools, the senior center or athletic facilities. The library is the only town service that is perfect for everyone from toddlers to senior citizens, researchers to casual readers. It truly is the town community center.

Jeffrey Kass Treasurer
The current library has many shortcomings. It is the smallest library in the area; having insufficient space for quiet areas, children spaces, teen spaces and meeting rooms. Moreover, it is not handicap accessible and lacks parking. A new library could overcome these deficits and be a gathering place for the community!
Aydely Santiago-Taiman Assistant Treasurer
A library today is a place to gather for socialization, a place to enjoy with your children, to use new technology and as always to explore new and old books. As a child I remember going to my library that was three floors and exploring each floor for different books. I especially recall always going to the third floor where a mural was being drawn by a local artist. A new library would be a great investment to our community's future.

Christina Cumberton Chairman of the Library Board of Trustees
We are so lucky in Brookfield to have our committed library staff. I look forward to a time when Brookfield has the physical space to offer all the wonderful opportunities a library can offer its community.
Janice Belden Director
A number of years ago I had the joy of watching my new grandson during the week and we would take daily excursions near his home in Farmington. His very favorite stops were the West Hartford and Farmington Libraries. We both made so many new friends! It was a place to take classes, play at the numerous educational centers, create puppet shows, and of course read books. Every visit was a new adventure! It was a striking difference to what we have here in Brookfield, which, while beloved by many, is small and certainly not able to really be the center of the community. My dream is that the children and grandchildren of all residents of Brookfield see our library as a place they want to visit - and regularly! I am very excited to be a part of the Foundation to help make this goal a reality.

Cate Dunn Director
I am an inveterate reader and some of my fondest memories as a child are going to the library in the summer and taking out a stack of books. I also studied for my AP exams in the basement, and researched projects in actual card catalogs. Creating a space where other kids will have the benefit of these experiences--except updated for a new century--is important to me.
Betsy McIlvaine Director
Brookfield deserves a library that changes as the community changes.

Susan Murphy Director
The time has arrived. We need a new library. Let's do this Brookfield!
Nancy Quinn Director
Libraries foster lifetime learning and inherently provide doorways to personal and community growth.